
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bye2 2012 Hello 2013~~~~

2012, It's been a rough life with the challenges I have faced. Many things had nearly broke my spirit though some had. However, no matter what I always took myself up and I hold my stand. I did some mistakes throughout the year *Heck, I'm human and everyone does mistakes*

A few of my mistakes: Wrong decisions, choices, judgements * that impact events in my life severely* and wrong enemies I suppose? Arguments that led to rivalries and mortal ENEMIES. Hurting my friends *emotionally or physically* I'm sorry. There are tons of others I suppose but I couldn't recall all of it.

With mistakes that I've made this year and all the wrong choices I've made, I've never thought of this one thing as a mistake: Moving to SESTA *Tapah's Science School*. Yes, it have it moments but hey that's life in a boarding school. The ups and downs is to prepare us for real life someday. The days when we'll be leaders of the world. The successors of great men and women alike. That's what boarding school is preparing us for.

And because of these trials, I've managed to accomplish a few things in that school as well.

My achievements this year;

1.Working in the prefect board with great friends and leaders XD Under my two big bosses. The fatherly, Adli Yusuf *Dili* and the motherly, Diyana Nasiha *Didi or Diana*

2. Working in Badar with my fellow comrades.

3. Made great friends and managed to keep in touch with old cool onesXD!!~~

Old Besties:

 Haizal : Whom managed to elude any pictures taken.. Though I found some but I would like to keep tht private

Amelia: The beautiful and hilarious girl.

and of course a tons of others..

New besties: *Just gonna put pictures cause too lazy to type.*
 The trios of weirdos... I supposed, Me, Zul And Shakif..NAzmi, is not in this pic hmm... Add up to that, there's also Fifi, Azra, Nura, Nazri, Faka< and a few others whose pictures are not with me though... But they are my new besties including The Ixorians 4 class of 2012
A few members of the Ixorians 4 2012

Start a New:

With all that wraps up, what is there to expect for 2013?

Well, for me are new life, challenges, places and friends and foes that I have to face. In addition to that, I'll be 17 and at tht age, here in Malaysia, I would face the biggest exam in my life which is SPM (Malaysian Education Certificate) and finally graduated from Secondary School!! WOO HOO!! CAN'T WAIT!! Hope things would be okay next year.

I know it would be easier cause among all the things I've achieved during this year, I've achieved one very special thing; Self-Discovery. That will help me throughout the year.